It's being a while since the last time I updated something, but I've continued painting from time to time, and finally I've been able to register myself at live drawing! :). It is going great so far, I'll upload some of the drawings as soon as I have my scanner again. Meanwhile here you are some of my new watercolors... I hope you enjoy them =)
These ones are bases in the live drawing sessions..
This time painting with ink and watercolor. I'm not very happy with the result of the watercolor itself, but I still like how looks the picture in general. Hope you like it! :)
Today I wanted to try the masking film for paintings. And it worked really well. Since I didn't have to worry about to save the white spaces I could paint much more freely. I think I'm going to use it more often... =)
I had so much fun painting this one... :) At the end I decided to draw a line with the quill to separate the character from the background. Hope you like it!